Adventist Church and School Connect began in late 2005 when the North American Division decided to offer every church and school a website. The goal was to encourage churches and schools in the United States, Canada, and Bermuda to use the Internet to reach their communities. The NAD asked AdventSource to add website development and support to the resources and services they provided to churches. AdventSource staff provide all design, training, and website support, and AdventSource contracts with SimpleUpdates for use of their content management system, web servers, and backup services. Today ACC and ASC continue to grow, with new software updates, template selections, and features constantly being added.
Our Location
The ACC and ASC support team is located at AdventSource in Lincoln, Nebraska. Come visit us if you are ever in the neighborhood!
Our Future
Adventist Church Connect and Adventist School Connect will be changing. In early 2025, ACC/ASC will move to a new WordPress-based platform, replacing the existing functionality and giving us a new foundation to move forward providing websites for all churches and schools across the North American Division (NAD).
Our Team
Many people across North America help support Adventist Church and School Connect. The user support and design team in Lincoln, Nebraska is supported by the a team of developers and North American Division Information Technology Services department in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Lonny Nelson | Helpdesk Technician & Trainer
Lonny Nelson joined the Adventist Church and School Connect support staff in 2005. In his spare time Lonny is devoted Club Ministries as the Executive Pathfinder Coordinator for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference. He previously worked as a ministry consultant for AdventSource since 1999.

Liv Jacobson | Web Designer
Liv Jacobson graduated from Union College in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science in Commercial Art. Following college, she worked for Summa Higher Education Design in Lincoln, Nebraska for nearly seven years. Liv’s responsibilities at Summa included web and graphic design, photography, and working on new advertising campaigns for clients. In addition, Liv is an accomplished artist and children’s book illustrator. Liv joined the AdventSource team in 2009 as a graphic designer.